Chiropractic Services

Embracing the Growth of Wellness Choices

chiropractic_care_hidden_cause_painThis is an exciting time to be alive. Health professionals accept and incorporate a variety of time-honored and new modalities into their patients’ care. Scientists continue to discover and develop new and improved treatments for diseases and conditions. Nutritional knowledge is burgeoning and fitness options are growing.

Taking Care of Oneself

People are living longer than ever these days, as they recognize the many components of a long, healthy life and take charge of their own well-being like never before. They are exercising and eating better, and exploring alternative treatments. People also understand that a long life demands attention to quality of life, including minimizing pain and dysfunction. Routine chiropractic care, which enables the nervous system to work at its best, is a good foundation for health.

Chiropractic Care is Collaborative

At Van Amberg Family Chiropractic, we firmly believe that chiropractic care is a key element among many that contribute to each individual’s overall well-being. We assist our patients with referrals they may need and routinely collaborate with their other health professionals to coordinate treatment.

Chiropractic Treatment for Babies and Children

Van Amberg Family Chiropractic has the word ‘Family’ in our name for a reason — we treat the whole family, from infants to the elderly. Adjustments for our young patients are very gentle, just as they are for our older patients. Click for more information on chiropractic care for children.

We would be happy to work with you to identify and incorporate into your life the options that will help you achieve your optimum level of wellness.

ALINE Insoles

Gene Snip DNA Analysis

Nutritional Supplements